
Saturday, October 22, 2011

This week in science #3

    This week in science we a couple of things. We recorded data from our plant investigation three times this week and we were given a driving question. We was also given a plant investigation rubric and we went through it together and wrote questions that we needed to know about the rubric. We went to the Lab room with Jamie to learn how to write a good procedure. She helped us write a good procedure by actually doing the steps we said to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It made me laugh because she acted like she was a alien that didn't know how to make one. And then we wrote a procedure for how you recorded you data for your plant investigation. And Nik thought us about independent and dependent variable. We wrote a hypothesis for our testable question. Lastly we did Data Day where we went around the classroom recording what shoe brand they was wearing and we recorded the percentages by using a pie chart.

peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
     This week in science i learned what a "XS" "MS" "AS" and "EM" means. I also learned the if-then- because format. I learned how to make a better procedure with Jamie and learned about independent and dependent variable with Nik. And I also learned how to gather a better data, graph and how can I make my investigation exceed the standard.

Friday, October 14, 2011

This week in science #2

This week in science we did numerous things. On Tuesday we played with poppers and then asked testable questions about them. Then we listed independent and dependent variables about the poppers. On Wednesday we started a new plant investigation about Brassica Rapa. And then on Thursday we setup the experiment and drew a illustration about how our plant investigation will be different from the first one.

This week in science I learned that the more thicker the poppers is, the less high it'll pop and the thinner it is the higher it will pop. We learned the definition for independent and dependent variable and what is a testable question. Also I learned that the Brassica rapa is also known as turnip, turnip rape, field mustard or turnip mustard. I didn't know that the Brassica rapa is a remedy for breast cancer.

Brassica rapa
Poppers !