
Friday, June 1, 2012

TWIS #15

    This week in science we did the marshmallow challenge. We started off by getting in groups. The same groups that we were in since September when we first did the marshmallow challenge. On Wednesday, we did the challenge twice. We were given tape, paper bag, post it, spaghetti sticks and of course a marshmallow. The first round we tried, it was non verbal. I think that was harder because if I needed to tell someone in my group with put tape somewhere I'll have to write it down on post it, which took up time. The second time, we were able to talk. It finally stayed this time! I was hype. On Thursday, we went up to the roof to make a video "This year in science" for our next year science teacher. We talked about who we are, how we grown in science, what's our struggle in science, what we want our teacher to know about us, etc.
     This week I learned that I worked better in groups better than I did in September because we got to know each other better.  At the beginning of the year, we didn't know each other, so most of us was shy to talk to other people and like open up to them. But I like working in groups now that I got to know each other better. I think I understand the work better and it's more fun than to work alone.
I learned that even if we weren't talking we still communicated and made our marshmallow successful. It was much better than the last time.
This is a picture I found on google
of how the marshmallow challenge should look like
This is a graph on my entire class. It shows if we improved from the last
two times or not. 

This is a picture of my group & I working on the marshmallow
challenge. (non verbally)

Friday, May 25, 2012

TWIS #14

This week inn science we did a phenomenon known as "HIPPO." We read an article on HIPPO and then in our observation log we did an overview on hippo. The next day we watched three videos on introduced species and population growth. We was given a packet and had to answer it by reading about the European Starlings and watching a video. Then, the next day, we got into groups and we was given either a renewable source or nonrenewable. My group was assign "oil". We then had to create a poster on oil by drawing a diagram on how its formed and write like a paragraph about what it can be used for. On Friday we did a practice regents exam questions.

I learned about a phenomenon and about the starlings birds. And how they were imported to the United States.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

TWIS #11

This week in science we was walking around the room with post it looking at posters with a word labeled on it. We had to write what we knew about the word or at least make an educated guess if we didn't. We then watched a video about the Cellar Spiders habitat. We got into our groups and illustrate what we wanted to be in our ecosystem and how it was supposed to look. The next day, we got our tank and filled 1/4 of it with soil and rocks. We then went to Seward park to create our habitat. We had to put anything that we thought would help the spider survive. In my group, one of us were researching about cellar spiders, the other was drawing the ecosystem of the cellar spider and the other was uploading pictures on Google docs that we took of the ecosystem.

    This week in science what I learned was what a Carbon cycle, Water cycle, Food chain, and  Photosynthesis is. I also learned about Cellar spiders while researching about it online. They have 6 or 8 eyes and if you touch there web they start vibrating really fast making it difficult to see them. I learned creating the Cellar Spider ecosystem was important. And I also learned the scientific name for the Cellar Spider.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

TWIS #13

If we were to leave these spider habitat tanks sealed but removed all of the plants, there wouldn't be any oxygen in the tank because plants give out oxygen. They wouldn't survive because since plants are in the ecosystem they produce and use carbon dioxide and glucose and give out oxygen in the process of photosynthesis.

Marine Digital Food Chain

sharks eats plankton
plankton eats diatoms because they are small. bigger plankton will eat other plankton. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

TWIS #12

     This week in science my group and I created a spider observation log during block two. A spider observation log is basically answering questions about the Cellar Spider habitat. We did research on Cellar Spider and the different names it's known for. For example, the scientific name. During class we also watched a video on Ant Caterpillar Mutualism. One thing Ryan did is fed the Cellar spider fruit flies. One thing Jasmine did was help create the habitat with a lot of flowers.
      I learned about the Cellar Spider habitat. I also learned about commensalism, parasitism, mutualism and saprophytes, basically called symbiotic relationships. I still find it complicated. Anyways, I learned the difference between a food web and food chain from watching a brain pop video. Learning about the scientific name for the Cellar Spider was new to me. One thing I learned from what Ryan did was how fast the spider would start eating the fruit flies. Another thing I learned from what Jasmine did was that the more plants or flowers you put in the container the more fungus it would contain.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Human Impact Ad Campaign

 Slogan: Too Much Car Transportation
              Should Be An Allegation
              LETS SAVE THE NATION!!

My image is showing how people are damaging the Earth without realizing it. The guy is holding the Earth in the palm of his hands noticing how car is very effective to the Earth. The pieces are falling down from the Earth breaking apart. The band-aid represents how some people are trying to fix it. Because not everyone is destroying the Earth.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Brooklyn Paper

     The Brooklyn Paper is about the government spending over 140,000 on legal fees to defend Prospect Park West bike lane. The city is against this. They argued about about the bike lane turned the peaceful street into a danger zone for pedestrians and demanded it be removed. The government tried to make it seem more successful than it really is.

     This article was kinda of confusing. But i do think that they should reduced cars and have more bikes. This is because it is a safer way for whomever is riding their bikes. And always because you won't be in the same lane was the vehicles.

Bike lane

Friday, February 3, 2012

This week in science #8

  This week in science we were dissecting animals. Of course we were in groups but as partners. My partner & I were dissecting a crayfish. We looked at the crayfish nine different views. As shown in picture one that is called the Dorsal View. Dorsal view is the upper part of the organ. Ventral view is the opposite. It's looking at its stomach. The Anterior of the crayfish is below its eyes. They are able to survive in all bodies of water expect the oceans. There bodies are not designed well to deal with saltwater habitats. Also, my partner and I took pictures of the crayfish internal and external anatomy. 
  This week in science I learned a lot. I learned how to dissect a crayfish. I always learned what dorsal, ventral view was. I also learned what type of environment the cray can survive in, its's adaption. Where the anterior is located. I never looked at crayfish closed up or never dissect any animals. So everything to me was new. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

This month is science #7

       This week in science, we were placed in groups to create a power point on Google docs. Each member in the group had to create at least 2-3 slides about the Hawaiian tropical rain-forest. For example some of the slides would be the location, landforms, climate and animals that live in the rain-forest. Each member had to pick a different animal and do like a food chain. We also create a slide for the before and after climate. In 100,00 years we said that the Hawaiian tropical rain-forest will be cold. Then we had to draw an imaginary animal that we think will live in the after climate. Then we organize the slide, and wrote speaker note for each slide because we had to create a screen cast.
     This week in science, I learned what a biome is. A biome is a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat. Another thing I learned was how to make a screen cast, that was a ha-ha moment for my group :). Also, I learned that about the different types of animals that can be found in the Hawaiian Tropical Rain-forest. My group worked very well together because we chose one person to speak for the screen cast and everyone did their slide. I learned that there's more than one rain-forest in Hawaii.
This is a flower that can be found in the Hawaiian Tropical Rain-Forest.