Question: Do crickets prefer fruit or vegetables?
Hypothesis: If I give a cricket a choice of fruit or vegetables, then I think it will prefer fruit because when we observed them in class there was apple in the glass container.
Background Research:
" Chopped apples and celery" |
Crickets are some what related to grasshoppers. Crickets need a good diet otherwise they tend to feed on each other. They need a good supply of water. They are omnivores and scavengers feeding on organic materials. They live under rocks and logs in meadows, postures and along roadsides. Their predators are spiders, some wasps ground beetles, birds, small rodents and lizards. They are brown to black and the females are larger than males. There front wing varying in length, covering half to entire abdomen. A cricket antennae is about as long as distance from head to end of abdomen. There wings held flat over their body. They communicate with others mainly by sound, scent and touch. Hind wings folded and hidden under leathery front wings. To attract females, males produce a sound made by rubbing their fore wings against each other. The resulting chirping sound is picked up by the female's ears on her front legs. The chirp sounds are different for each species so that individuals can find their own species.
Explanation of Data:
First I got a tank with chopped apples on one side and chopped celery on the other. Then I used my phone for a stopwatch and timed the crickets for 2mins. I did four trials and every 30secs I recorded their behavior. For two trials I kept the lid on and for the last two trials I took the lid off to see if that would change their behavior.
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My data table. |
For my cricket investigation I did four trials of 2mins each. The crickets stayed on the side with the chopped apples the most. I predicted that the crickets will prefer fruits. According to my data my hypothesis was correct. I learned that the crickets gets jumpy and active when the lid is open.
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